I got this!

Daily writing prompt
What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?

Setting aside the fact that the word prompt question is grammatically off the reservation, I do have a quick answer that fits the bill.

I’m wearing my mothers ring!

You’re welcome!

Here, have a cookie…

Thursday Thoughts…

The Nothing Box!

I’ve been sitting here this morning, staring at the computer monitor and wondering what thoughts to write down. I’ve been doing this for nearly two hours, not because there’s nothing there, but because there’s too many thoughts currently floating around in my thinking box! At no time, have I been able to say with any honesty that I’m not thinking of anything!

I know that I for one, have heard the comments and jokes about men having something called a Nothing Box, when it comes to answering the question, “What are you thinking about?” Some have claimed that men just say this to their partners out of laziness… giving a definite answer will surely bring more conversing, so when asked, they just claim they aren’t thinking of anything. We all do this at one time or another, I suppose, even if we are thinking about a thing; it’s just a quick and easy answer.

After nearly 18 years of marriage, I really think men DO have a nothing box, at least my hubby does. When he uses the answer “nothing” to my thought prodding question, he’s being fully serious. There’s no deflecting going on, he was sincerely enjoying the time spent thinking of nothing! I’m so jealous!

I have fully tried to meditate on nothing, but by the time I clean out all the clutter in my thought box, all I’ve managed to do is organize my thoughts and feelings, systematically putting everything back on it’s thought shelf where it belongs. I would never have been able to found my Overthinkers Anonymous group, nor would it have remained so active, had I been capable of accessing a Nothing Box years earlier.

The closest I’ve been able to come, for my own sanity, is a Quiet Box. If I have to share space in there with all my thoughts, I take comfort in simply organizing and tidying up, until I just have to read the labels on all my thought books. For some reason it’s easier to just skim the top of things I know are there, without having to read through all of the details. For the most part, this works fairly well… until it doesn’t!

Of late, things have been a bit more than my brain can tolerate, so I’ve been rearranging my nothing box in quite a manic sort of way… recently chewing a hole in the bottom of my box, in hopes that some things might spill out to make more room. Until life interruptus decides to go on holiday, I think I might need to look for a bigger Nothing Box!

To Lead or Follow, That is the Question…

Daily writing prompt
Are you a leader or a follower?

To be a leader or a follower

That is the question…

If one is to be a good leader

one must follow a good leader!

Following the leader’s example

by being a good leader,

is learning how to lead

by following the leader…

The leader teaches how to lead others,

by following the leaders example

Thereby, what the leader teaches

the follower does

in order to lead others…

Wednesday Words…

It’s Take a Camel to Work Day!

Come on, you know you want to do it! Who wouldn’t want to trade bad jokes over the water cooler, entertaining a Camel that may spit at you if the joke’s not funny enough? I’m just sayin that it could brighten up your Wednesday… that’s all.

Riddle Me This…

Daily writing prompt
List your top 5 favorite fruits.

My favorite dessert is a summer parfait with fruit, vanilla pudding and an angel food cake, cut into small cubes. I generally make it during the summertime, usually on or near a very widely celebrated holiday!

If I’m to enjoy a drink, it will be a very tropical one, with music playing in the background of an island theme!

What follows are pictures of fruit, used in one form or another, in one or both of the above mentioned items.

Which five fruits do you think are my favorites, based on the pictures shown, and the description given?

Ready, Set, Go!!!

Oh yeah, don’t forget to grab a cookie…

The Tale of the Turtle…

Episode 3

This world was so very big and frightening, thought the tiny turtle, as she hid beneath the plastic cup left on the beach. She’d been considering how to get to the water without being eaten by the huge Gulls, which were circling overhead.

When the tiny turtle’s hiding cup suddenly disappeared, to be replaced by the face of a large creature of some sort, she lay frozen in fear! Unsure of whether or not she was about to be eaten, or even trampled into the sand , the turtle found herself unable to flee!

The old man was just as taken aback, by discovering a turtle beneath the garbage he’d been collecting! For several moments, the two simply stared at one other, unsure of what came next. The old man wondered why the turtle hadn’t bolted for the water when he’d lifted the cup? Was she injured? The old man sat down beside the little turtle, to observe her further, before deciding whether or not to get involved. He’d always had a strong commitment to let nature be, allowing wildlife to exist the way they were intended, without humans changing the rules of nature. Now, for the first time in all these years, he was not so sure that walking away was the right thing to do.

Normally, these turtles all hatch at approximately the same time, covering the beach with thousands of little creatures, all running for the water at once. Even though one understood the theory of safety in numbers, the old man still chose not to visit the beach on those days, as it was sad for him to watch this part of nature. The hatching that usually took place on this beach had ended almost a week earlier, so he was perplexed at seeing a brand new baby cowering in the sand now, all by itself. Thinking back on things, the old man remembered seeing a flurry of Gulls near this area, just the day before; now it made a bit more sense, as to what they’d been doing over in these bushes. It occurred to him that this turtle was a very late arrival, most probably the last to emerge from the nest.

Unsure of how to proceed further, both the old man and the tiny turtle just sat there on the sand, side by side, one observing the other in an effort to make sense of things. He was considering whether or not to assist the baby in her dash for the water, or maybe he shouldn’t do anything at all. The old man began to consider picking up the frightened turtle, taking it home with him and calling the nearest wildlife rescue.

At the same time, the little turtle was thinking on things, the way a turtle might. She was pretty sure that she should head for the water, but where was everyone? She’d been hiding under her cup all morning, waiting for other turtles to make a run to the water with her, but no one came. Sitting here now, she realized that she must choose to either run or be eaten! The turtles instinct told her to curl up inside her shell, and await the creatures departure. Hopefully, it would think her dead and wander off down the beach.

Will the old man help the tiny turtle? Should he? What’s one turtle’s fate going to do for the species itself? Would it be a better fate for the tiny turtle, to simply let the Gulls do their work, thereby providing food for them and their own offspring? The odds were already stacked against her reaching adulthood, anyway.

There is such a fine line between helping and interfering that many choose to do nothing, for fear of making a thing worse, rather than better. Will the old man follow his heart and help this turtle, or will he put the cup back down over her and walk away? Can he throw out the rule book, just this once?

You know, I think we’re all faced with a choice, to actively help in our planet’s conservation, or simply do nothing. I realize that it seems daunting, trying to undo generations of global overuse, in hopes of restoring it for our future. We often feel overwhelmed with the big picture, feeling feeble and useless in making any difference at all, so we just don’t look or think on it.

Perhaps the change we need, is to do good even if we don’t think we’re enough… one person at a time, one small act after another. Something as small and miniscule as putting your wrapper in a bin, rather than on the back seat floor of your car, or worse, on the ground. Tiny things add up!

What if the important thing about helping the turtle, is not so much whether she will reach adulthood, but more so about the old man’s willingness to do the right thing? Even if he doesn’t realize it, the old man is helping! Our global warming issues, along with our wildlife conservation efforts are daunting, to say the least! We cannot expect an overnight fix, nor a rapid outcome of what has taken generations to cause! Every little act or effort toward furthering our planets recovery, takes us all, one step at a time.

Tune in next Tuesday, as we learn the fate of our tiny turtle…

I’m Out!

Daily writing prompt
What’s one small improvement you can make in your life?

As per the specific word usage of the daily prompt, there’s nothing small left for me to actively do, aside from only answering prompt questions that have a point!

The list of small improvements needed in my life is quite substantial, but as I’m tapped out in the DIY department, there isn’t anything worth mentioning that would satisfy the prompt. Let me be clear in saying that I’m not being negative or tetchy in my response… I’m simply keeping it real!

Count yourselves lucky, as I nearly put a picture of a working toilet on this response… you’re welcome!

Here, have a cookie…

Ode to My Chica…

Til the wheels fall off…

Daily writing prompt
Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

We met each other while attending college, nearly 12 years ago, and we’ve been friends ever since! I remember standing outside a classroom, as we waited for the teacher to arrive and unlock the door, and she was standing next to me against the wall. The first thing I did was stop her and give a disclaimer about myself… I wanted her to be warned of my frigid nature!

Well, she seemed to take it as a challenge, rather than a deterrent! It wasn’t long before we were choosing classes together and carpooling to campus, as we lived not too far away from one another at that time.

We shared classes, snacks, coffee and a good bit of shenanigans! We just knew we fit together like peas and carrots, as Forrest Gump would say! I even rescued her from being used as a stripper pole by a strange woman under the influence of some drug or another… I’m being fully serious! We’d shared an evening class at that time, so it was late and dark when we stopped off at the restroom near our classroom, before heading home for the night. I’d heard the door open and someone enter while I was using the facility, but it wasn’t until I went to wash my hands that I saw who it was. There before me, bravely trying to wash her hands was my Chica, with some strange woman trying to dance to the rhythm of a distant drum, up against her side. Forgive me for not washing my hands, but I just grabbed my Chica by her arm and we bolted out of the bathroom, laughing uncontrollably, as we ran for the car.

We have gone through a great deal of adventures, one of which involved a stay at some nearby hot springs, where we made some hilarious memories. I cannot imagine doing any adventures that she isn’t involved in somehow… and I cannot imagine going through anything difficult without her support either!

My Chica held me together, through some of the most difficult and painful parts of my journey. Many times, it was she that gave me hard truths I needed to hear, in order that I get up and keep going. Never would she let me wallow for long, in the midst of my miserable circumstances.

She has cheered me on, been there for me when I felt abandoned and alone, and faithfully stood beside me through hell or high water! Talk is cheap, but unconditional love is priceless and the woman has lavished it upon me for all our years together! When I saw the prompt question, she was the first person that came to mind, outside of God and my husband.

My Chica has to be one of the most genuine human beings I’ve ever encountered, and I thank God for her every day!

Well, I’m off to enjoy a glorious sunny day with my Chica, as we cruise around in her Classic Ford Thunderbird, for a Mother’s day treat to ourselves… hehe!

Here, before you go, take a cookie…