A Bit of This and a Bit of That…

Daily writing prompt
Describe your dream chocolate bar.

What can make you happy

and fill your heart with dreams

Sugary and sweet, then cover it with cream…

Wiwohka’s cookies can

Her Chocolate cookies can

Peanut Butter Chocolate and some cream for you to dip

that makes the cookie taste good…

Just sayin,

Here, have one…

Of Mice and Me…

Daily writing prompt
Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?

I think it’s rather fitting, don’t you, that I would remember my favorite book being one about a mouse! My love of Runaway Ralph, by Beverly Cleary, most assuredly fuels my love of mice and small creatures.

I’m fairly certain that I answered the same thing last year when this question arrived. This doesn’t surprise me, as many of the works by Beverly Cleary instilled a lifetime of love for small creatures, as well as, fueling my imagination all these years later.

I aspire…

Here, Tilly made the cookies this morning…

The Otter and The Owl…

One dark and stormy night, deep in the woods, resting beside a vast and rushing river, stood a mighty oak.  The tree had begun as naught but an acorn, many long seasons before this night.  Weathering many a storm as it grew to great heights, the tree offered safe haven to many a creature, whether big or small.  Birds nested within its mighty branches, and many small creatures took refuge beneath its protective shadow.  Over time, a small hollow had gradually formed near the base of the tree, in which one might find shelter from storms, if they were small enough to fit inside. 

On this night, the winds were fierce and the waters raged so violently, there seemed to be nowhere left for one to find warmth and safety… that is, except for the ancient Oak.  There, inside the mighty tree, sat an otter and an owl, staring at one another from opposite sides of the small hollow.  The owl could not fly away, nor could the otter outswim the raging waters.  Within the warmth of the hollow, the otter looked upon the owl with fear, as many an otter pup had been carried off by these winged predators, never to be seen again.  All that the owl could remember of otters, was their devious ways of stealing the eggs of any birds nesting low enough to the ground to be pillaged.  Neither the owl nor the otter wanted anything to do with the other, both silently wishing the space was theirs and theirs alone. 

With the storm showing no signs of letting up, both the otter and the owl had resigned themselves to a very uncomfortable night, as most of the good space available was the vast distance between them in the center of the hollow.  After a time, the owl suggested that the otter should return to the river, as otters should be used to water.  He felt that the absence of the otter might give him more space, allowing him to spread his wings and fluff his feathers for more warmth.  Sounding clearly offended, the otter explained to the owl that her den had been flooded by the raging river, leaving her nowhere to hide.  As she felt her situation merited more importance, the otter quickly suggested that the owl should let her have the space instead. 

 Feeling rather misunderstood, the owl puffed out his feathery chest, and in a defensive manner, briefly explained that the winds were so fierce, his wings could not bear his own weight, let alone keep all the rain from soaking him to the bone.  “Besides” the owl remarked, “I got here first!  You’re just lucky that I let you in here… I didn’t have to, you know.  All you have ever been good for, is stealing eggs!”  Thinking that would be the end of it, the owl sat back in his corner, making the best of his cramped space.  The otter seemed hurt, as she retorted “I don’t personally even like eggs, thank you very much!  How can you sit there blaming me and my kind for egg stealing, when you and yours steal our babies!”  With that she turned to face the wall, curling into as small of a ball as she could, to await the dawn.  Both sat in very unhappy silence for a time, as the storm grew to be deafening outside their dry but cramped hollow.

After some time passed, the owl softly cleared his voice, and said “Though I’m not one to hunt more than field mice and bugs, due to my small stature, I can see the truth in your words.  I think that perhaps I’ve misjudged you, blaming you for the wrong of others.  Could it be that you too, might also be judging me for something done by another?”  Both the otter and the owl sat for a time, considering each other’s words.

When the otter finally broke the silence, she offered her most sincere apology for her reaction, suggesting that perhaps they might try again.  “My name is Lontra and I am a river otter, better known as a river wolf!  You see, we river otters eat mainly fish from the stream, as well as differing vegetation that grows along the shore.  If it be your desire, you could tell me your name and where you’re from, so that we might start fresh and get to know each other properly.”  The owl considered the words of the otter, finally coming to rest upon a decision.  Opening and closing his enormous eyes several times, the owl said “I don’t actually have a name to offer you, as my parents never spoke to me much, and certainly never gave me a name.  They disappeared the day I learned to fly, and I’ve not seen them since.  We owls are rather solitary creatures, never really socializing with others.  It’s actually somewhat lonely, if I speak the truth.”  The otter felt a wave of compassion wash over her, pondering a life without others there to give and receive love. 

After considering things, the otter suddenly rolled over on her back, allowing the heat from her underbelly to warm the hollow.  “Everyone should have a name, friend.  With eyes as big and beautiful as yours are, I think we should call you Blinky, if you like.  Or, you can certainly choose a different name if you wish.”  She lay there in the darkness, waiting for the owls reply.  The heat offered by the otter, softened the owl’s heart, as he felt both the warmth of the air and the comfort brought forth by the otter’s kind words.  Ruffling his feathers as full as he could, the owl nestled up closely against the otter’s side.  Looking at each other, realization suddenly dawned on both the otter and the owl!  By leaning on one another, they’d just doubled the space available within the hollow, making things quite comfortable compared to the howling winds and relentless rain, still beating against the side of the old Oak.

Early the next morning, with the storm finally gone, the otter and the owl climbed out of their warm and dry hollow, chatting as if they’d been friends for ages.  Knowing that they might never see one another again, the owl embraced his friend, saying “I’ll think of you every time I meet someone new, perhaps telling them of what you’ve taught me… not to judge a book by its cover.”  Thinking on the lessons that she too had learned the night before, the otter replied “I too have learned something very valuable… never speak words in anger, nor judge one soul based on the deeds of another.”  With that, the otter disappeared into the river and the owl took flight, disappearing into the forest beyond. 

Within this tale is a lesson

Many may have already found

Wisdom and love should go hand in hand

If we wish to keep others around!

Wiwohka 2024

By the Book…

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Book 1: Bible!

Book 2: Adventure Books!

Book3: Educational!

Why? Because I read them… Duh!

Don’t blame me for being so exact! WordPress started it!

And, as I was trying to be as honest as possible… no exaggerations, embellishments or confusions here. The prompt made the mistake of putting a period in the question!

What I saw…

List three books that have had an impact on you, the operative word being AN.

Then I saw…


Why what?

If I actually answered the question to the letter, I must assume they want to know why I planned on listing three books, which I myself had planned to ask them. But they asked me first and so I don’t really know why I was going to list three books. So now we are in this revolving circle of asking each other the same question, to answer a question that I could answer at different times in my life, giving an entirely different answer, therefore changing the why part of the question that we haven’t even decided on the why, for why we were listing three books in the first place! Oh bother, now I’m tired!

Here, have a cookie with me… we need this one…

Monday Messages…

Waking up this morning, I’d had plans for simply giving a one liner, or maybe even just a nice picture of the river, as the lobby has been somewhat quiet lately. I realize that between the beautiful weather and life, sometimes the blogging feels a bit lackluster for many folks.

Nearly 90 percent of my mental energy has been put towards the novel I’m deeply enmeshed in creating, and then I spend the rest of the day with my head in the clouds. I don’t think I’ve had this much fun since having babies!

Anyways, if you see days where I’ve only left a picture or a short poem, please take no offense, as I’m either mentally exhausted or just very distracted! Trust me though, it’ll be worth it in the end, you’ll see.

In the meantime, we can still have fun and laugh together, as some of the things I post are simply crazy brain, which can be an awful lot of entertainment. I can say this because I’ve been entertaining my own brain like this for many years… and if I hear any of you snickering at this from the back of the room… well, I do have a squirt bottle and it has an incredibly long reach!

Getting back to my first comment you read, when you came into the lobby, I decided that instead of my normal blah blah blah, I’d offer a heartfelt THANK YOU! Why am I doing this, you may be asking yourselves? Because, when I logged onto the site this morning, there was a notification saying I’d just surpassed 50,000 total views! Goodness Sake! Folks really do read some of the things I write!

I realize that maybe you all kinda sorta enjoy reading things from this Chatty Cathy, Loud Mouth Frog, Woodsy Wordpecker, Tuesday Tattler, and Overthinkers Anonymous Chairperson… yeesh, that was a mouthful!

Bolstered by this new information, I feel it’s my duty to continue forward, on this overthinking and oversharing literary journey, and simply blog my heart out! Being the wild runaway from the wilderness, turned Wordsmith, as my husband often teases, I feel it’s only the right thing to do…

Barney Says It Best…

Daily writing prompt
What fears have you overcome and how?

The list goes on and on my friends…

The only thing that’s worked so far, in overcoming fears, is reading the bible and meditating on it day and night.

Well, they asked!

Here, have a cookie…

He Walks With Me…

Daily writing prompt
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

You know that old gospel song, He Walks With Me? Well, it pretty much answers the question posed by the prompt. God watches over my sleep, provides for all my needs and sustains me in all things, but more importantly, He walks with me through each day, and we talk constantly!

These conversations with God are not hours lying face down in the dirt, speaking in tongues or anything… just talking. Talking with God is like a spring of life giving joy to my soul… just sayin.

Here, have a cookie…

Oh, and if you were interested, here is that song:

As They Say…

It’s game time…

This week, I want to try something new! I’ve posted a picture that you get to guess, as to what the adage or saying might be. I will take everyone’s answers and post them next week, before the next picture becomes available.

I’ve discovered that being the one to make up my own puzzles, feels somewhat like cheating, since I use the phrases often and am pretty familiar with their meaning.

I thought that this might be more fun for everyone reading… games are always more fun when there are people playing them.

_______ – _______ – _______ – ________.

Since today’s phrase only has four words in it, you shouldn’t have too much trouble guessing. Let’s go peeps… show me whatcha got!

Guess what the phrase is, based on the picture above, and then try to define it and use it in a sentence. I’m not looking for more than a brief guess at its meaning, and I’m hoping to see who might come up with the most imaginative sentence usage.

I don’t have any prizes to hand out for the winners, but I can offer cookies and a hug!