Thursday Thoughts…

The Nothing Box!

I’ve been sitting here this morning, staring at the computer monitor and wondering what thoughts to write down. I’ve been doing this for nearly two hours, not because there’s nothing there, but because there’s too many thoughts currently floating around in my thinking box! At no time, have I been able to say with any honesty that I’m not thinking of anything!

I know that I for one, have heard the comments and jokes about men having something called a Nothing Box, when it comes to answering the question, “What are you thinking about?” Some have claimed that men just say this to their partners out of laziness… giving a definite answer will surely bring more conversing, so when asked, they just claim they aren’t thinking of anything. We all do this at one time or another, I suppose, even if we are thinking about a thing; it’s just a quick and easy answer.

After nearly 18 years of marriage, I really think men DO have a nothing box, at least my hubby does. When he uses the answer “nothing” to my thought prodding question, he’s being fully serious. There’s no deflecting going on, he was sincerely enjoying the time spent thinking of nothing! I’m so jealous!

I have fully tried to meditate on nothing, but by the time I clean out all the clutter in my thought box, all I’ve managed to do is organize my thoughts and feelings, systematically putting everything back on it’s thought shelf where it belongs. I would never have been able to found my Overthinkers Anonymous group, nor would it have remained so active, had I been capable of accessing a Nothing Box years earlier.

The closest I’ve been able to come, for my own sanity, is a Quiet Box. If I have to share space in there with all my thoughts, I take comfort in simply organizing and tidying up, until I just have to read the labels on all my thought books. For some reason it’s easier to just skim the top of things I know are there, without having to read through all of the details. For the most part, this works fairly well… until it doesn’t!

Of late, things have been a bit more than my brain can tolerate, so I’ve been rearranging my nothing box in quite a manic sort of way… recently chewing a hole in the bottom of my box, in hopes that some things might spill out to make more room. Until life interruptus decides to go on holiday, I think I might need to look for a bigger Nothing Box!

6 thoughts on “Thursday Thoughts…

  1. I can totally relate! You know that verse that says “Be still and know that I am God.” It’s so hard to do that, because when I try to clear my mind to listen for God’s voice, a million little things pop into my head!

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  2. That’s funny. I think I’m the one with a nothing box in our house. Brad will ask me what I’m thinking. When I manage to pull myself back into reality, often all I can say is, “I don’t think I was.” Why does quiet somehow equate to thinking? 😂 Other times I have so many thoughts running around, I just say, “Everything.” I guess for me, thought has always been an all or nothing sort of activity.

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