I’m Gonna Wash it Right Outta My Hair…

Extra shampoo bottles… not new… just extra!

Bloganuary writing prompt
Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Let’s all be honest here, we’ve all done it at one time or another… you know… held on to that one bottle of shampoo holding half a tablespoon of liquid gold! I made it sound oh so valuable, thereby, softening the blow for everyone… as we know in truth, it wasn’t even that expensive of a shampoo.

I need you all to be on board with this, for me, because I don’t have too much of anything else that can be called clutter. Seriously… I don’t use make-up anymore, or any lotions or perfumes like I wore in the past. RV living, even in the best of circumstances, is not for the faint of heart! RV living should be renamed RV LIMITTED! Nothing has the freedom to be left just laying around… it’s either usable or losable! One has to choose on a daily basis, what is of value and necessary… and what has become dead weight! Space around here is limited and comes at a premium cost, so when I say use it or lose it, I really mean it!

I am certainly not wasteful, nor will I give up on a garment just because it is old or stained… some of my best hoodies have holes where my thumbs have worked their way through the seams, and are covered in coffee stains. If I am afforded the opportunity to get a new article of clothing, something has to go, to make space for the new item. With all of this in mind, consider how utterly ridiculous it is that I hoard extra bottles of shampoo, as if they were going to be the ultimate answer for world peace! Why don’t I just condense them all into one individual bottle, you may be asking yourselves? The only answer I can give, is that I’ve no earthly idea!

As I was writing my answer to the prompt, I had a question run through my brain asking, don’t I sometimes clutter my spirit with old bottles of memories and past hurts, just like I do with the extra shampoo bottles? Some bottles of shampoo, like a memory, have a specific fragrance that perhaps I don’t ever want to forget. Whether the memory was good or bad, I hesitate to put them all in the same bottle. Even if I could separate them into two different bottles… one for the good and one for the bad… have you ever caught a whiff of someone’s perfume that was so overpowering, it made you gag? 

Not all shampoos are alike, so it’s not always a good idea to mix the one for dry scalp with another kind that helps with oily skin. What if I get rid of that last bit of shampoo for dry scalp, even though my scalp doesn’t need help right now? Which memories that were bad, will be useful for good now… and visa versa?

I didn’t say that I was going to answer these questions… I just said that this is what ran through my head while I was typing! I will be busy for the next week repeatedly bringing this topic up in my Overthinkers Anonymous Group, as I’m not even sure how to answer my own questions…

Here, have a cookie…

9 thoughts on “I’m Gonna Wash it Right Outta My Hair…

    1. Apparently, the commercial promised that it would remove unnecessary bitterness from my roots…while I cannot substantiate any of these claims, it did mysteriously make me feel better… hugs


  1. Guilty. I have three separate shampoos and two conditioners in my shower as we speak. It might take me up to year to toss the old ones. I don’t know why I hold on to them either.

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