Tuesday Tattler…

How often do we humans, as a whole, make assumptions based on our self imposed understanding? How many times have you or I come upon a situation, thinking we had an understanding of things, only to watch things play out in a completely different way than we saw coming?

Did you find yourself grateful to have kept your mouth shut, keeping your opinion and assessment of things to yourself, in order to see how things go?


Did you throw your two cents in, as they say, only to regret it later on, after you see things play out and you realize that you didn’t have all the facts?

My point is… I think we have all been able to answer both choices, at one place or another in our lives. Sometimes, we chose wisely, responding in a way that brings healing and restoration… sometimes we didn’t do so good! At the request of our Benefactor, here at WTL, I headed out on assignment to interview a man who experienced first hand, the pain and sorrow of misunderstanding and misjudgment! 

The man was a nobody, really… just a good man, a godly man who lived an upright and righteous life. Considering the spelling and pronunciations of many of the names found in the bible, the name Job does not really reflect much at all. Looks can be very deceiving…

By all accounts Job seemed to have simply been a good person, living daily with a heart and mannerism of one desiring to please his creator… he loved God with all his heart! I wanted to get a feel for who the man was before our first introduction, so I spent some time in the archives before I embarked on this assignment. I found no record of any misdeeds or nefarious behavior documented, anywhere! He was blessed with a large family, comfortable wealth and a community that greatly respected him. The only thing I could dig up on the man was how much good he always sought to do, for anyone and everyone in need. If I were his neighbor, I think I would be very grateful to be living so close to someone so obviously favored by God himself!

As I traveled down the path toward my upcoming interview with this man, I found myself already preparing a case against his supposed friends, as well as the mans wife! My first idea of a title for my column article was, With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies! While I was thinking how catchy the phrase was, JC began whispering words of council to my heart and mind. To truly report what I find, I must first ensure that my personal opinions, or assumptions, remain in my desk drawer back in the newsroom offices. 

“A true vessel must pour out that which has been placed within its depths, while not attempting to add anything of itself in the pouring. It is simply the container, so necessary for the holding and pouring out of a thing, but not the one who does the placing of that which needs to be poured out for the good of the one receiving it’s contents.” JC

These words were floating through my mind, as I entered into the village of a man that was nobody, really… or was he?

I’m sitting here in my guest quarters, as I didn’t arrive here until after dark and the family are already preparing to turn in for the night. I am weary from all the walking I did to get here, so I will enjoy this respite and gather myself mind, body, and spirit to a place of readiness for the mornings interview. My goal is to present my findings and reflections gathered from this interview, to my boss, in the light of truth and without my own personal opinion. I plan to wrap up work here in several days, hopefully returning home with my story, by this time next week. 

If, after my Benefactor places his signature of approval upon my work, my article will marked for release and I’ll be sharing it with you over a cup of hot coffee next Tuesday. You know… I just realized that I had not considered whether they had Vanilla Creamer around here. All I saw as I entered the village were large herds of goats… hmmmm. Oh well, it’s too late to worry over milk now that I’m already here. I’m actually feeling pretty lucky that I even found a courier willing to run this update all the way back to the office. I will send him off first thing in the morning and hopefully you get it in time.

Until my return…


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