
Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite season of year? Why?

I have so many reasons why I love all the different seasons of the year, but I tried to pick one thing about each season that I love, so as to fulfill the WHY part of the prompt.

I love so many things about winter, though sipping a glass of wine beneath a Christmas tree offers a great amount of pleasure.

Spring brings new life, fragrant blossoms and fresh air, which is why I always end up playing with woodland creatures out in the fields.

When it comes to summer, I can’t take the heat at all! As they say, though, if you can’t beat em, join em! A good beer always takes the edge off!

Fall brings the darker skies, cooling weather and often times, the blues! For these times, I have just what the doctor ordered!

These answers should fit the bill for todays prompt question.

Here, have a cookie…


Daily writing prompt
What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

There is no such thing as a luxury that one cannot exist without!

Don’t be a Push-Me-Pull-Me!

If it’s a luxury, you can live without it, trust me!

Have a cookie….

Storm Walker…

Daily writing prompt
If humans had taglines, what would yours be?

Born of pain

Born of sorrow

Offered no love

even to borrow…

Raised on the street

Wandering through the night

Love never offered

Though it would have been right…

So began the winds

Then began the rains

Running directly at the storm

Seemed to lessen most of her pains…

First she was a storm runner

Then she became a storm fighter

Finally giving it all to God

She began to feel much lighter…

Now she walks everywhere she goes

Resting safely within His hands

He renamed her Storm Walker

She now faces whatever this life demands!

Wiwohka 2024

Here, have a cookie…