Live Wire…

As I was sitting here this morning, pondering what I should write for todays Live Wire, I found myself staring at my bible for a bit, not sure that I even felt like writing. I suppose that there are just those days, where I don’t feel like even reading my bible, even though I know that I should.

When I find myself in this place, it helps to have index cards with bible verses written on them, strategically placed around the RV to catch my eye. As I move here and there throughout the day, they allow me to see God’s words of truth, edifying my spirit and encouraging my heart. It wasn’t always like this though, as there were numerous times in my life that my bible simply gathered dust upon a shelf!

Many times I found that I didn’t have room in my life for such a commitment to a book. I’d read the bible enough times, I felt confident that I needn’t read the book so often.

Knowing what I do about humans, as a whole, I feel pretty comfortable saying that this is something everyone encounters in their walk with God.

Life interruptus occurs…

Birth, babies and childhood,

Unexpected twists and turns,

The pain and confusion of loss,

Good times that bring about a sense of Out of sight, out of mind…

Eventually, Holidays alone seem to be sufficient enough, for pulling the good book out and dusting off it’s cover.

Somehow, we turn the word of God into a tonic, of sorts! We use it when we need it, and then return it to the cupboard for next time. I found myself actually getting so angry at the Israelites, while reading of their rinse and repeat cycle of sin and consequence. Time and time again, they wandered off and got happy… forgetting God, returning to their old idols and sins, only to watch everything fall apart, and then they ran back to God, begging for another chance. My anger dissipates at the moment I remember that I do this all the time, now, today! We all do!

God’s word and promises are always so valuable and sought after when we are in need of His help, when we are hurting, afraid, or lost. We turn to Him in our time of need, in our time of anger or despair, in our time of utter Joy… but what about all the time in between?

In truth, I think that it’s the commitment to follow and obey during those in between times, which enables God’s word to strengthen and keep us standing strong, while in the intense highs and lows of life. Something like staying the course, even when it doesn’t feel necessary to pay attention. I’d like to say that I’ve advanced beyond the Israelites revolving faith door, leaving their ridiculous behavior behind in the distant past, to become so much wiser than sinners of old… but unfortunately, I cannot!

Human nature is not something we shall ever overcome, not by our own power. That’s most likely what God wants me to understand, as I read through the biblical dirty laundry list of our predecessors screw-ups and consequences. It’s not so much about WHAT they did wrong or right, but about humanity as a whole… sinful, willful, and needy children… but all created in the image of God. As a parent, I don’t look back with memories of all my children’s faults, nor have I ever stopped praying and hoping for them. A parents love is unconditional, a trait provided by our ultimate parent! My kids generally didn’t come asking for mom’s help, until they’d already tried and failed first. By nature we are all selfish creatures, only asking for help during or after we’ve learned things the hard way, revealing that we can’t do things on our own.

I guess what I’m saying is that the Bible is like the spiritual version of things like toothpaste, clean underwear and love… we should probably be using them all the time, rather than only when we feel like it! If we don’t use them consistently, they’re rather ineffective when only being employed in emergencies… just sayin.

12 thoughts on “Live Wire…

  1. Hi. I hope I can ask you a question. You seem to be a faithful and good servant of Jesus. Ok, SI I am a believer (not very strong but I know and believe in the three in one, the resurrection of Jesus for my sins, I know He conquered death and rose to be with God the father). So my son is not a believer, he believes in God but he’s not savefy. At Bible study, I told my small group the I’ve given my son to the Lord and I know he will be saved. Then someone said that since my son is not a believer, the Lord can’t even see my son so he can’t be in God’s hands. I’m ready sad and confused. Is this correct? I really hope you write back. I have another question but if you don’t want to reply to this one, I understand. 🌺🌿🙏

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    1. If you can fathom what a mighty God we serve and read in His word where it says he knows all, I believe he can not help but see your son. Jesus is there with you at all times, and you are indwelt with His Holy Spirit… then believe that “all the days ordained for me were written in your book, before one of them came to be”! God knows exactly who your son is… in my humble opinion… hugs. Oh, and that reference can be found within Psalm 139

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      1. Oh, thank you so much. Thank you for writing back to me and for sharing your knowledge and thoughts. Ever since I was told God did not see my son so Jesus could not be with him, my heart has been so sad and scared. My daughter was 28 when she killed herself 2 1/2 years ago. She was a paranoid schizophrenic sine age 27. When she was young, she asked Jesus into her heart. In college she said she was gay and then someone told her she could never go to church again. The last two months of her precious life, she came home to my son and me. It was so sad because she was so paranoid that she accused me of stuff and that her birth mother was a better mother than I ever was but I knew she was so scared and so sick. The blessing was that she and her brother (my son, also adopted) connected like never before and she would only listen to the Christian music station which was a total turnaround for her. I prayed that God would let me trade places with her so she’d get better again. It didn’t happen. But you’re gonna think I’m crazy but at the very moment my son told me she was dead the Lod gave me a vision of a hand reaching down from an old green window and pulled her through. My sister says she not in heaven but isn’t that up to God? Now I’m really crying. I’m sorry. I had to ask someone but I didn’t think I could til now. I won’t ask anymore questions, I’ll just love your responses ✝️🙏🏼🌸💫


  2. Wiwohka, great piece… man 🎯 about the Bible being a tonic… and not waiting for an emergency to frantically dig it out. I suppose we all struggle with the discipline required to devote the time to read it. But when I do, it’s amazing, some parts are like the V-8 knock 😎 I can almost hear God saying “See? What did I tell you?” 🙏

    Like the idea of the index cards!

    Poor Carrie…seems to have very hard-hearted people in her life… 😢

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It saddens me how much biblical misinformation is actually out there currently. Unfortunately, man has the propensity to constantly take something out of context and reform it to fit their own selfish needs. Even I have to guard my heart against such things… hugs


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