As They Say…

Beat around the bush!

Today’s phrase being used, thanks to JuanitaMaritz, is Beat Around the Bush. So let’s do this! I’ll give it my best shot and see how close I can come to guessing correctly, as to the meaning and origin of this little idiom! Remember, if you have a phrase to suggest for these As They Say Saturday posts, just leave it in the comments, thanks.

When I saw Beat Around the Bush, it made me think that it had something to do with vermin in the garden! I can’t imagine too many reasons why else, one would actually circle around a plant hitting the ground, or whatever. I suppose you would beat the ground around the bush to disturb things, without actually hitting the plant itself. I’ve always used this phrase, if I wanted someone to stop dropping hints and just spit out whatever was on their mind!

One would suppose that this phrase or idiom, if you will, arose from a time when one might find some sort of rat or snake in the bushes near the house or the garden. You don’t want to go sticking your foot or hand into said bush, in the event that whatever was in there bites, or maybe stings. Possibly, the beating around the bush was simply a way to irritate whatever was nesting in the bush, to the point that it moved on. I’m guessing that the origin came from a farm or ranch from the horse and buggy era.

Well, that’s as much as I can guess on, so let’s go check with Googlina, our friendly know-it-all:

According to,

The phrase ‘Beating around the Bush’ means to avoid answering a question; to stall; to waste time.

Example of Use: “If you want to ask me, just ask; don’t beat around the bush.”
Interesting fact about Beating around the Bush

The origin of the idiom ‘beating around the bush’ is associated with hunting. In medieval times, hunters hired men to beat the area around bushes with sticks in order to flush out game taking cover underneath. They avoided hitting the bushes directly because this could sometimes prove dangerous; whacking a bees nest, for example, would put a swift and unwelcome end to the hunt.

Overall, I think I was pretty close… well, in a round about sort of way. At least I feel better, knowing that I haven’t been butchering this phrase, when I use it!

Ok, folks… bring it on! I feel pretty smart at the moment, so I’m brave enough to goad you into offering up another phrase, for next Saturday’s post. Who knows, maybe you’ll give me something that’ll stump me!

5 thoughts on “As They Say…

  1. Yep, I woulda been beating the bushes and disturbing the bees. I guess beating AROUND the bushes was useful. 🙃

    Here’s another suggestion for some future week when you run low. “The cat’s pajamas” I heard it on a short from Big Bang Theory the other day and immediately thought of you.

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