Cheese, Glorious Cheese…

Daily writing prompt
What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

Hands down, probably my favorite thing to have ever had the pleasure of tasting, would be cheesecake… more specifically, Mango and Key lime Cheesecake!

About ten years ago, we were invited to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, where I had a wonderful Asian salad, followed by a large slice of the best cheesecake I’d ever before tasted. Unfortunately, my salad was so large that I didn’t have enough room in my stomach to finish the mouth watering dessert. Packaging my prize into a to-go box, we took it home with us.

When I awoke the next morning, the first thing I thought about was finishing my dessert with a fresh cup of coffee. Arriving in the kitchen, I went straight to the refrigerator, only to discover it missing; my cheesecake had been stolen!

There, sitting on the couch in the living room, was my husband, with the crumby evidence written all over his mustache… he’d eaten my prize!

Long story short, my hubby had to make a very long and expensive trip back to the Cheesecake Factory later that week. My guilt trip was done with such skill that I earned an entire Cheesecake out of my harrowing ordeal.

Here, I thought you might want a slice…


Daily writing prompt
What’s the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten?

If you can keep this little secret from my frenemy IBS, I will tell you of my fondness for a few things… I’m not going to follow the prompt, in its fullness, as it does not seem fair to do that to the beautiful world of foods.

I might be able to maybe select a type of food, and pick my favorite way to eat it, but to say that JUST one thing is the best, sorry…

I could try to use words to describe the way, say, cheese simply slowly and lazily oozes from the inside of the pizza crust, OR, I could show you…

Photo by Jhoondias on

I could try to describe the release of endorphins that seems to happen when one swipes their tongue across creamy soft serve old fashioned vanilla ice-cream from your favorite fast food establishment, Or


Lastly, I could make some futile attempts with words to relay how I remember it feeling after an all you can eat taco party, and your belly is full of Yummy, OR


Please, Under NO Circumstance, are you to share this information with IBS, because she will be totally offended that I even think about these foods anymore… I mean, I know better than to do it, but she freaks out and thinks I am gonna shovel death into my mouth…

But… I love you all enough that I am willing to take the risk to share with you what I sometimes dream about (not joking) and drool about when we are out and about with others.

I still eat fantastic things, but they have to be modified in order for me to successfully get the good stuff out of them, that my body can process…

Oddly, I eat nowadays, exactly the way I ate as a small girl on the farm… Raw, Fresh, or Frozen… no cans, no preservatives, and no oil, grease, butter, fat or the like. It is not nearly as bad as it may sound, as I love foods.

***But… sometimes… late at night… when no one is peeking…I like to eat a whole bag of those Twizzler pull aparts… Don’t Judge!


Have a cookie…