A Bit of This and a Bit of That…

Daily writing prompt
Describe your dream chocolate bar.

What can make you happy

and fill your heart with dreams

Sugary and sweet, then cover it with cream…

Wiwohka’s cookies can

Her Chocolate cookies can

Peanut Butter Chocolate and some cream for you to dip

that makes the cookie taste good…

Just sayin,

Here, have one…


Daily writing prompt
Describe your dream chocolate bar.

Of all the LIFE INTERRUPTUS going around, it seems, why would writing a blog about chocolate be something I focus on? Hmmm…well, as much as I do like chocolate, and I do have some go to sweets, I can actually go without it for the most part.

I do have some random funny memories of chocolate, and I guess if one can ask me randomly about my chololate love, I can answer with randomly funny memories. At least that is what I am telling myself, as I sit here typing this.

I do remember eating a whole bag of Riesen chocolates, in one sitting, nearly causing myself to founder…don’t judge, I am proud of my accomplishments in chocolate and caramel.

I remember teaching my kids how to play poker and blackjack using m & ms as our different money currencies, and then we could eat our winnings. Not as fun as it sounds, since, by the time we were eating our winnings, they had passed through the sticky fingers of three little card cheaters.

I remember making, what others refer to as the best chocolate chip peanut butter cookies ever! I used to make a triple batch to sell at the church bake sale, and every time someone asked for the recipe, I told them that if I told them, I would have to kill them. Not kidding!

The last memory worth sharing is the one where I thought my husband had poop on his side and on the back of his shirt one morning, until he reminded me of our chocolate chip party from the night before, with a disgusted look on his face saying, “If you thought it was poop, why did you stick your finger in it, ugh”!

I guess this might be the reason that WordPress gave the chocolate question. Sometimes, what we think is something silly, or even oddly placed, can in fact be an opportunity for ideas. Who know, but I am happy to have made the effort to ponder and find an applicable answer, that isn’t more than a list of edible morsels.

I, personally, am walking away from this excercise with two stories for my monday posts, a feel good about making some other reader smile, and an overpowering urge to dump half a cup of Hershey Chocolate Syrup into my morning coffee…