Of Mice and Me…

Daily writing prompt
Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?

I think it’s rather fitting, don’t you, that I would remember my favorite book being one about a mouse! My love of Runaway Ralph, by Beverly Cleary, most assuredly fuels my love of mice and small creatures.

I’m fairly certain that I answered the same thing last year when this question arrived. This doesn’t surprise me, as many of the works by Beverly Cleary instilled a lifetime of love for small creatures, as well as, fueling my imagination all these years later.

I aspire…

Here, Tilly made the cookies this morning…

I will never forget you Ralph…

Daily writing prompt
Do you remember your favorite book from childhood?

I have been a fan of Beverly Cleary since I was a small child. I read most of her books, but the most vivid memories come from one book alone… Runaway Ralph! To this day I can picture a tiny mouse on a miniature motorcycle driving across the furniture. Once I was an adult and a mother, guess where we spent many a night storying it? Ralph and I found great joy in expounding on details of his little bike, things he was doing, or places he drove his set of wheels. I loved seeing the story come alive in my girls eyes. Thank you Beverly…