Barney Says It Best…

Daily writing prompt
What fears have you overcome and how?

The list goes on and on my friends…

The only thing that’s worked so far, in overcoming fears, is reading the bible and meditating on it day and night.

Well, they asked!

Here, have a cookie…

Talk about the GOD…

Daily writing prompt
What fears have you overcome and how?

Yup! I am just going to fling it out there! I used to fear being laughed at, judged, turned away from, and the like, if I had the balls to stand up for Jesus!

How did I overcome it, you ask? I got brave…

How did I get brave? I got serious about speaking the truth…

How did I get serious? I burned out…

I burned out in the church, I burned out as a mother, I burned out being a plaything to others…

Then I quit! I told God to screw off!

I ran into the wilderness, where no one knew His name so I need not speak of Him…

I found myself in a place where the only name that would come to my lips was His…

The enemy knew His name, just as I did…

When I shouted out of my God, the earth shook and the enemy fled…

I am a terrible judge of character in people and it has cost me almost all of ME…

I speak the name of God everywhere I go, because if you stay, then I feel safe in His name, His presence…

If I speak of God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit, you should only feel good after our encounter…

If not, then go…

I will still speak of Him for you…

I will stand in the gap…

for HIM!