He Walks With Me…

Daily writing prompt
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

You know that old gospel song, He Walks With Me? Well, it pretty much answers the question posed by the prompt. God watches over my sleep, provides for all my needs and sustains me in all things, but more importantly, He walks with me through each day, and we talk constantly!

These conversations with God are not hours lying face down in the dirt, speaking in tongues or anything… just talking. Talking with God is like a spring of life giving joy to my soul… just sayin.

Here, have a cookie…

Oh, and if you were interested, here is that song:

Live Wire…

Daily writing prompt
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

I walk…

I try to get out on the trail nearly every day. I walk for a variety of reasons. Aside from the health benefits, it does really provide me with a great amount of joy for such a small effort. I can honestly say that I feel blessed each time I set out.

As I was walking down the path yesterday, I had the sweetest experience and decided to share it with you. I see people on my outings all the time, some days more than others. On this day, coming down the path towards me was a gentleman accompanied by his two young sons. When I say young, I mean they were tiny little guys. The smaller of the two was at the walking age of a tiny drunken sailor. The older boy was not much bigger.

The closer the family got, the more apparent it became that these little adorable bundles knew what a “MeeMaw” looked like. Me! Their smiles got bigger and bigger as I approached. Just as we passed each other, both boys simultaniously shot their arms up and waved at me. Their father graciously slowed, allowing the boys to greet me. I think I probably wore a smile for a good five minutes after we all went our seperate ways.

Sometimes, it really is the little things…