The Art of Invisibility…

Daily writing prompt
What is the legacy you want to leave behind?

For whatever reason, when I saw the prompt question this morning, the book Where’s Waldo? popped into my head. You’d think that one could spot him a mile away, what with the bright red and white stripes on his shirt. Throughout all the books pages, the environment and all the people are different, but Waldo hides in the middle of them, unchanged… still wearing his silly hat and brightly colored shirt. No matter how hard we try, Waldo just vanishes into the crowd. Once we locate him, it seems as if he sticks out like a sore thumb, as they say.

Why is that?

In the real world, some folks will try to be new and different, in order to boldly change the world! Other folks make active daily efforts to disappear into the woodwork, going unnoticed and/or unbothered by the world around them. The question we often ask ourselves is, do we want to be Waldo or the crowd that hides that silly red and white shirt.

As a human being, I strive to do good and make a difference in the world around me, but as a Christian I’m also compelled to become more like Christ and less than myself. What if Waldo was like Jesus, and the crowd surrounding him were like the world, or US?

Anyway, I know that might seem a strange way to explain how I feel about leaving a legacy behind. If I wish to leave anything behind, it would be a reflection of Christ within me, looking back at you from my eyes. I desire to have the fragrance of His love assault your senses, as I pass you by. I hope that the sounds of God’s truths would be ever escaping my lips, and His eternal hope might flow from my fingertips, as I write.

I don’t wish to leave my legacy at all, but instead let my life leave only evidence, of the one who chose me first… the one who calls me His own!

Here, have a cookie…