Monday Messages…

Waking up this morning, I’d had plans for simply giving a one liner, or maybe even just a nice picture of the river, as the lobby has been somewhat quiet lately. I realize that between the beautiful weather and life, sometimes the blogging feels a bit lackluster for many folks.

Nearly 90 percent of my mental energy has been put towards the novel I’m deeply enmeshed in creating, and then I spend the rest of the day with my head in the clouds. I don’t think I’ve had this much fun since having babies!

Anyways, if you see days where I’ve only left a picture or a short poem, please take no offense, as I’m either mentally exhausted or just very distracted! Trust me though, it’ll be worth it in the end, you’ll see.

In the meantime, we can still have fun and laugh together, as some of the things I post are simply crazy brain, which can be an awful lot of entertainment. I can say this because I’ve been entertaining my own brain like this for many years… and if I hear any of you snickering at this from the back of the room… well, I do have a squirt bottle and it has an incredibly long reach!

Getting back to my first comment you read, when you came into the lobby, I decided that instead of my normal blah blah blah, I’d offer a heartfelt THANK YOU! Why am I doing this, you may be asking yourselves? Because, when I logged onto the site this morning, there was a notification saying I’d just surpassed 50,000 total views! Goodness Sake! Folks really do read some of the things I write!

I realize that maybe you all kinda sorta enjoy reading things from this Chatty Cathy, Loud Mouth Frog, Woodsy Wordpecker, Tuesday Tattler, and Overthinkers Anonymous Chairperson… yeesh, that was a mouthful!

Bolstered by this new information, I feel it’s my duty to continue forward, on this overthinking and oversharing literary journey, and simply blog my heart out! Being the wild runaway from the wilderness, turned Wordsmith, as my husband often teases, I feel it’s only the right thing to do…

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