By the Book…

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

Book 1: Bible!

Book 2: Adventure Books!

Book3: Educational!

Why? Because I read them… Duh!

Don’t blame me for being so exact! WordPress started it!

And, as I was trying to be as honest as possible… no exaggerations, embellishments or confusions here. The prompt made the mistake of putting a period in the question!

What I saw…

List three books that have had an impact on you, the operative word being AN.

Then I saw…


Why what?

If I actually answered the question to the letter, I must assume they want to know why I planned on listing three books, which I myself had planned to ask them. But they asked me first and so I don’t really know why I was going to list three books. So now we are in this revolving circle of asking each other the same question, to answer a question that I could answer at different times in my life, giving an entirely different answer, therefore changing the why part of the question that we haven’t even decided on the why, for why we were listing three books in the first place! Oh bother, now I’m tired!

Here, have a cookie with me… we need this one…

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