As They Say…

It’s game time…

This week, I want to try something new! I’ve posted a picture that you get to guess, as to what the adage or saying might be. I will take everyone’s answers and post them next week, before the next picture becomes available.

I’ve discovered that being the one to make up my own puzzles, feels somewhat like cheating, since I use the phrases often and am pretty familiar with their meaning.

I thought that this might be more fun for everyone reading… games are always more fun when there are people playing them.

_______ – _______ – _______ – ________.

Since today’s phrase only has four words in it, you shouldn’t have too much trouble guessing. Let’s go peeps… show me whatcha got!

Guess what the phrase is, based on the picture above, and then try to define it and use it in a sentence. I’m not looking for more than a brief guess at its meaning, and I’m hoping to see who might come up with the most imaginative sentence usage.

I don’t have any prizes to hand out for the winners, but I can offer cookies and a hug!

5 thoughts on “As They Say…

    1. do you wish to add your guess at a definition, as well? My attempt will be to snip each submission and insert it in next weeks episode. Don’t take offense if I don’t give any hints or confirmations, since I have to wait for everyone’s guess. Hugs

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  1. I’m believe the phrase is “don’t upset the applecart” but that cart doesn’t look upset. It’s just overflowing, so my official guess is going to be “too much to handle!”

    Example in a sentence:
    I love your amazing imagination, but sometimes it’s too much to handle.

    Keep the fun coming! I hope I didn’t upset the applecart too much. Hugs.

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