The Baby Whisperer…

Daily writing prompt
What are you good at?

I’ve always had the knack, as a professional MeeMaw, for rocking babies to sleep. I’m well versed in softly singing lullabies, and rhythmic rocking or swaying, with or without a chair to sit on… It’s a gift!

Not only am I good at putting babies into dreamland slumber, I can effectively put grownups into a yawning lull. All I have to do for the grown ups is to talk. I’m like a life size version of a Chatty Cathy Doll. All you have to do is occasionally poke me and I will just start chittering away, allowing those in proximity to drift off into dreamy bliss, while listening to the non-stop, storyteller style voice I’ve been known to employ.

As much as I’d like to say that I gain satisfaction from watching other adults yawn and stretch peacefully, while answering a question they’d been the ones to ask, I prefer babies. They’re much more adorable when they snore, or when they toot in their sleep… just sayin.

Here, have a cookie…

6 thoughts on “The Baby Whisperer…

    1. Maybe I should start making recordings of myself simply reading baby books out loud, or singing to myself… hehe. Sleepless nights are no fun! I pray God blesses and enriches your life, as you fulfill such a high calling. I think being a parent is so so important. Hugs

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  1. I love that kind of cookie! Thanks!!! My niece used to call my mom MeeMaw! My mom loved babies, too. Like you, she calmed them as she rocked them and sang and talked to them almost in a whisper. If I could hear you tell the baby stories, but I can’t, however you truly are such an amazing woman of God! Praise JesusπŸ’•πŸŒ»β­οΈ. I fall so short. πŸŒΊπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸΎ

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