I Thought We’d Covered This…

Daily writing prompt
What personal belongings do you hold most dear?

Maybe I’m just overthinking things, but didn’t we just answer a prompt about having collections? Perhaps I’m confused here, but I would consider a collection to be a personal belonging.

I’m fairly certain that as a child, I considered my easy bake oven to be a personal belonging that I held very dear, and the same could be said throughout the years, regarding my collectible horses, tea cups, and books.

Honestly, all these questions are doing for me personally, is reminding me of all the belongings, keepsakes, and memories destroyed when the Government shut the country down, due to Covid. It’s rather painful for me, as I remember all the photo albums, baby treasures, and belongings that we had to abandon when the Sheriffs department escorted us off the property we’d nearly finished purchasing.

In an effort to forgive, let go of, and move on from such a tragically painful part of my journey, I’m choosing not to further answer these types of prompts, as they are difficult for me to do with a positive attitude… not WordPress’s fault, not your fault, and not worth reminding myself that it wasn’t my fault either!

It’s Thursday, God is so Good, and I am blessed to walk these roads I walk…

Here, have a cookie…

4 thoughts on “I Thought We’d Covered This…

  1. There have been lots of comments about repeating prompts. I think that their idea is that after a while all us folks who have beeb around a while will move on, and the newbs won’t notice.

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