I’m An Investor Now…

Daily writing prompt
Do you have any collections?

I hope you all appreciate how far back I had to travel down memory lane, in order to pull up the answer for this daily prompt.

I do hold memories of my favorite childhood collections, such as pretend babies, Barbie dolls and ceramic horses. Eventually, I grew out of those, moving on to amassing stacks of Louis Lamour novels, among a large list of other favorite authors.

With adulthood came actual babies to replace the pretend ones of childhood. Babies brought a large amount of stuff, pushing my collection of books into boxes, and later to the donation bins.

Changing up collection categories from the childhood versions to the adult form, resulted in a rather large collection of Ceramic Tea cups. At one point I had a lovely Oak China Hutch, filled with the cups, along with other special keepsakes that I’d added over time. When Seattle had the earthquake some years ago, the hutch was thrown forward and most of what was inside came crashing down.

While I tried to hang on to whatever was still in tact, it ended up looking like a rather pitiful example of any sort of collection. I finally gave up, as my wild lifestyle always seems to wreak havoc on anything I own.

Oh well, or as the French say, Ce La Vie. Where I’m going, my room is already decorated and fully furnished, so there’s no need to try taking anything.

Rather than looking back over my collections of useless trinkets, now lost in the past, I practice a lifestyle of investing in my future. I am storing up treasures in heaven, the kind that are worth keeping… these are the gifts that my heavenly father has bestowed upon me, such as Joy, Grace, Hope, Mercy, Forgiveness and absolutely unconditional and eternal LOVE and Fellowship!

So, in answer to the prompt, I’ve no collections to focus on, as I’m now into future investments, and SIR’s or Spiritual Investment Rates.

As it says in Matthew 6:19-21, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

I’m really hoping that my room comes with horses, just sayin…

Here, have a cookie…

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