Acorn Valley…

A Squirrel Like No Other – Part 2

I was working late that night, sitting at my desk under a mound of paperwork, when I heard the sound of someone knocking on the barn door.  All the babes were sleeping soundly, and Brutus wouldn’t be home for at least another week, so I was perplexed as to who might be calling at such a late hour.  When I opened the barn door, there was my sweet friend Pfhlurrt, standing at my feet in the doorway, soaked to the bone and simply exhausted! 

Immediately, I scooped him up in my arms, grabbed a towel from off the shelf and wrapped it around the squirrel, snuggly.   Setting my friend down on the couch in my office, I added another log to the stove and set a pot of water to boil on its surface, for making some tea.  Once his teeth stopped chattering and he was able to talk, Pfhlurrt relayed the message sent by the old abbot that very morning.  As my friend warmed himself by the fire, he told me of the situation facing the prince and his young bride. 

We spoke late into the night, over the goings on within Acorn Valley and the request put forth to me, by the abbot himself.  Of course, I was more than happy to help in any way that I could!  As for welcoming another babe to the barnyard, I assured Pfhlurrt that this little one would fit right in with rest.  Besides, Tilly would be thrilled at the opportunity to care for a baby.  The mouse was still too young, as of yet, to become a mother of her own, so this infant would certainly give her time to grow and learn what it takes to raise a baby. 

We agreed to wait until the next day, hoping there might be a break in the storm, long enough for us to safely travel and retrieve my new ward.  I made up a small bed for my friend, leaving him to his rest while I did some quick research about squirrels, specifically the flying kind.  Sleep would not be coming this night, as there was much to be done, between preparing a safe environment for such a tiny thing, and waking up Miss Tilly, in order to prepare her for what was soon arriving.

All the next morning was a buzz of activity!  Tilly was in rare form, fully in control of making everything just right for our new guest, while still tending to our current toddlers, Dinky and Boomer.  When the weather had broken for a bit, Pfhlurrt and I made a break for the valley, in hopes that I might retrieve the baby quickly.  I would still need time to safely return to the barn before the storm returned.  Even with the winds quieted, our travel was still slowed by the snow that covered all the trails. 

When we arrived at the home of Lord Rico and Lady Ophelia, the old abbot met us at the door, holding an incredibly tiny bundle in his arms.  Briefly, he explained that the Royal House wished that I remove the baby as quickly and quietly as possible, careful not to bring any attention to myself.  There was to be absolutely no contact with the family, aside from regular reports about the baby’s growth and development.  I was asked to return these reports via Pfhlurrt, under cover of darkness, so as to avoid any curious eyes… or ears within Acorn Valley. 

I asked the old abbot to give my sincerest of regards to the infant’s parents, as I tucked the precious package within my chest pocket; their son would be safe within my care.  With that I made haste, walking as fast as safely possible, back home to where the warmth and shelter of our barn awaited. 

I’d barely made it to the road leading up to the barn, before the storm returned, requiring that I run the rest of the way.  As I reached the barn door, it opened before I even had a chance to take hold of the handle, with Tilly standing to the side and ushering me forward, urgently!  Once the door closed, she followed me into my office, where the fire had already been started by none other than Brutus, who’d returned home early from his travels.  If there might be any question, as to how a full-grown dragon might fit inside my office, Brutus always kept his size no bigger than that of a dog when he was near the barn, so as not to frighten the tiny ones that live here. 

With the entire barnyard surrounding me, I sat down on the couch and began to unwrap the bundle I’d held within my pocket.  Not once, during the entire journey home from the valley, did the baby stir from his slumber.  When I pulled back the blanket he’d been wrapped in, I was taken aback at how tiny the squirrel was, all curled into a little snoring ball of fluff no bigger than a walnut.  There were ooh’s and ahhh’s coming from everyone in the office, with little hands reaching in and gently touching his tiny fingers and toes.  The baby began to stretch and yawn, opening his eyes for the first time to curiously stare back at us.  “What do we call the baby?” whispered Dinky, softly caressing one of his tiny wings.  “I thought you said it was a squirrel?” she questioned. Boomer looked closer for a moment, snorted and shook his head saying, “it doesn’t look like a squirrel… more like a tiny dragon, because of his wingy thingies.”  Briefly, I explained about what a flying squirrel was, how this baby’s flaps were just different than most, and why we needed to care for this one.

The beautiful thing about all the creatures living here in the barn, is their willingness to give love and acceptance to whomever is in need, just like that!  In truth, anyone would find it hard not to adore this baby, wingy thingies and all!  While I had been telling everyone about why the baby had wings, Tilly had slipped away to make some warm milk for her newest babe.  Handing me the bottle, she gently took the baby from my hand and re-wrapped him inside his little blanket.  When she was settled on the couch, I offered her the bottle and suggested that perhaps she might be the one to give him a name.

 For several moments there were a handful of sad faces, all wanting the chance to name the baby themselves.  Being the bright and heartwarming mouse that Tilly is, she asked “Dinky, didn’t you ask what we should call the squirrel?  And Boomer, didn’t you say that he looked more like a dragon?”  With both of them shaking their heads yes, she continued on saying “I think we should make one word out of squirrel and dragon, like you both said!”  With happy smiles and excited giggles, the newest member of the Barnyard was given his first name.  Though he might eventually return to Acorn Valley, and his royal titles, within our growing family, this baby would forever be known as Squagon!

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