Ode to My Chica…

Til the wheels fall off…

Daily writing prompt
Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

We met each other while attending college, nearly 12 years ago, and we’ve been friends ever since! I remember standing outside a classroom, as we waited for the teacher to arrive and unlock the door, and she was standing next to me against the wall. The first thing I did was stop her and give a disclaimer about myself… I wanted her to be warned of my frigid nature!

Well, she seemed to take it as a challenge, rather than a deterrent! It wasn’t long before we were choosing classes together and carpooling to campus, as we lived not too far away from one another at that time.

We shared classes, snacks, coffee and a good bit of shenanigans! We just knew we fit together like peas and carrots, as Forrest Gump would say! I even rescued her from being used as a stripper pole by a strange woman under the influence of some drug or another… I’m being fully serious! We’d shared an evening class at that time, so it was late and dark when we stopped off at the restroom near our classroom, before heading home for the night. I’d heard the door open and someone enter while I was using the facility, but it wasn’t until I went to wash my hands that I saw who it was. There before me, bravely trying to wash her hands was my Chica, with some strange woman trying to dance to the rhythm of a distant drum, up against her side. Forgive me for not washing my hands, but I just grabbed my Chica by her arm and we bolted out of the bathroom, laughing uncontrollably, as we ran for the car.

We have gone through a great deal of adventures, one of which involved a stay at some nearby hot springs, where we made some hilarious memories. I cannot imagine doing any adventures that she isn’t involved in somehow… and I cannot imagine going through anything difficult without her support either!

My Chica held me together, through some of the most difficult and painful parts of my journey. Many times, it was she that gave me hard truths I needed to hear, in order that I get up and keep going. Never would she let me wallow for long, in the midst of my miserable circumstances.

She has cheered me on, been there for me when I felt abandoned and alone, and faithfully stood beside me through hell or high water! Talk is cheap, but unconditional love is priceless and the woman has lavished it upon me for all our years together! When I saw the prompt question, she was the first person that came to mind, outside of God and my husband.

My Chica has to be one of the most genuine human beings I’ve ever encountered, and I thank God for her every day!

Well, I’m off to enjoy a glorious sunny day with my Chica, as we cruise around in her Classic Ford Thunderbird, for a Mother’s day treat to ourselves… hehe!

Here, before you go, take a cookie…


Daily writing prompt
What does freedom mean to you?

If I am to be judged for who I am, and what I believe, let it be done by looking at MY choices… not by the behavior of another human’s choice! Wiwohka

Just sayin…

Here, have a cookie…

As They Say…

Good Morning everyone! Are we ready for another As They Say phrase? It’s such a glorious day that one might say, it’s the cat’s pyjamas! Oh, I don’t know for certain if that’s the right way to use this, but per FibercraftGrannie’s request, I shall give it my best try!

When I think of a cat in pajamas, it makes me giggle. I can’t help it! The idea brings back so many memories of my children playing dress up with our cats. I couldn’t stop myself with the AI photo generator, and it didn’t do me wrong with the choices of swanky felines it offered up!

Granted, we all now have a funny picture in our heads, but whether or not it comes close to the actual definition, is still yet to be determined. What the phrase actually means and the time and place of its’ origin, shall now begin…

Considering the history of cat’s within our society, one leans toward life on the farm or covered wagon days… when cat’s were mostly used for keeping the rodent population down in folks barns. I can imagine a child playing dress-up with the family’s resident mouser!

Then again, perhaps it was simply the diversity of cat’s fur colors and textures that brought about the idea. There may have been a cat born with colorations that looked just like a pair of PJ’s! With this in mind, one could surmise that the phrase possibly traces all the way back to the time of the Pharaoh’s. If memory serves me right, the Egyptians revered cats, so there were cats running all over the place. It’s quite possible there were cats walking the halls, looking like they were dressed in clothing. Or maybe, we can imagine some child from the royal house, snatching up the closest Flurby and dressing them up like a baby.

Hour after hour, Pharaoh had to sit on his throne, listening to endless problems, being required to offer up all the right answers. The bright spot of his day, might have been to see one of his many children, peeking at him from behind a curtain in the back of the hall. After a particularly rough day, the odds are good that seeing a child carrying a cat dressed like a person, would bring a smile to Pharaoh’s face. The next time the man heard good news, he may have simply said, “Wow! This great news is the cat’s pajamas!”

I realize that you may be laughing right now, but hey, it could have happened that way… Just sayin!

Let’s test this answer against our Googlanator machine:

The first thing I noticed was that some sites spell it Pajamas, while others spell it Pyjamas. I’m going to just leave it the way I’ve spelt it, as it doesn’t change the definition!

I tried to look at the information offered on Merriam Webster, but it was pretty inadequate for an in-depth answer. I continued my search, landing on this one from Wikipedia,



Popular in the US as early as 1922[1] around which the bee’s knees, cat’s whiskers, and numerous other similar phrases gained prominence.[2] Sometimes attributed to cartoonist Tad Dorgan.[2] It is widely believed that the origin of this idiom predates considerably, tracing back to the early 1800s in England. During this period, a tailor named E.B. Katz crafted silk pajamas for members of royalty and the upper class.[3]


the cat‘s pyjamas pl (plural only)

  1. (idiomatic) A highly sought-after and fancy example of something, usually referring to inanimate objects. That new car was really the cat’s pyjamas.

While my definition doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the actual origin of the phrase, it still makes more sense the way I wrote it, if I’m being honest. Google took all the fun out of it! Oh well, right is right and wrong is wrong, so I’ll stand down and let history have this one. I’m still using my version, though, because I like mine better!

I have one more idiom offered that I’ll work on next Saturday, but will be needing your suggestions to keep us rolling forward. Be sure and offer up your ideas in the comments section, and I’ll put em on the list in the order I receive them.

Now, go have a fantastic day with your loved ones… hugs

Ronald McDonald…

Daily writing prompt
What public figure do you disagree with the most?

I don’t trust him!

Anyone who consistently wears shoes that are too big for themselves, is questionable!

Plus I think he wears all together too much make-up every day! Is he really always smiling and happy? We don’t really know, now do we?

Don’t quote me, but I am almost certain that he approves of adding a secret sugar to his French fries, instead of salt… just sayin…

Here, have a cookie…

Barnyard Business…

On my way to the barn this morning, I began considering what to tell you about Boomer, the barn’s resident weather dragon… at least, that’s what comes to mind, as I watch him grow. Did I ever tell you that I think he and Dinky are twins? Well, they are… I’m certain of it!

It wasn’t long after I’d discovered Dinky in that old boot at the back of the barn, there began a very blustery weather pattern that brought wind and rain for over a week. As the days went on, and as I began to calm and reassure the tiny frightened dragon, the weather around the barn lifted steadily.

On the morning after the storm subsided, I arrived at the barn to find not one tiny blue dragon, but two! However, there were differences between them, I noticed immediately! While Dinky was timid and frightened of things, this new dragon seemed a bit moody… a bit angry and defensive, I think. Anyway, I could see a difference in the babes that were sitting in front of my eyes, there on the barn floor.

The two babes clung to one another, clutching each others tiny wings for comfort. For nearly a full two weeks, I stayed at the barn day in and day out, never leaving their sight. Boomer had several scrapes and bruises that Tilly lovingly mended for him. Brutus told me that the two dragonlet’s may have shared an egg, which is quite rare and unusual. This sort of made sense, as they were alike, and yet they were not!

While their faces shared a striking similarity, only Dinky had the habit of changing color, while Boomer’s blue scales had a tendency to either brighten or dull, based on how he was feeling. Not only that, but if you scared Dinky in any way, Boomer turned a deep and stormy blue, followed by winds and rain… hence, my calling him a weather dragon.

Looking back now, the two dragons are so different from one another, it’s like night and day; aside from very similar eyes, the two dragons looked completely different. Where Dinky simply doesn’t grow, Boomer excels in this department. This dragon LOVES to eat… a lot! Sometimes, it feels as if Boomer eats more than Brutus, who is a full-grown dragon.

While Dinky has to be one of my more affectionate little ones, Boomer is more distrustful and stand offish. We’ve all adjusted to this, giving the angry little guy his space and letting him alone. Here is where I’d like to tell you what I find so special about Boomer…

There are many times, I stay in my office late into the night, working on one writing project or another. When I cannot sleep, writing eases my mind and relaxes my body. Shortly after the baby dragons settled in, Boomer began sleeping in my office. He was too small to do any real damage, so I let him be, to curl up on the floor beside the couch I keep in there. Here is the funny thing… he wouldn’t sleep On the couch, but off to one of the sides.

One night I’d been working quite late on a project, typing away on my keyboard, while my moody friend slept beside the couch, snoring gently. Feeling rather tired, I quietly closed my laptop and tiptoed over to the couch, where I lay down for a bit of a nap. Listening to the sounds of his little snores, I began to drift off to sleep. Just as I was fading into dreams, I realized that the sounds of Boomer’s snoring had stopped. As I lay there listening for him, I felt the warmth of a velvety soft nose, pushing against my side. Shifting sideways, I quietly made a space next to me on the sofa… and waited there in the darkness.

After what seemed like hours, Boomer slowly climbed up and crawled closely against my neck. There he circled three times, making soft chuffing sounds as he did, and then lay down against my chest. Once there, he fell fast asleep and again began snoring softly. I gently lay my arm over him, not wanting to disturb his sleep, and I too fell fast asleep.

When Brutus woke me in the morning, Boomer was already off, eating breakfast with the other barnyard babes. In honesty, I began to think it had only been a dream! Deciding that this was perhaps more than my imagination, I spent the next week camping overnight in my office… with a very real baby Boomer, curled up at my side.

To this day, Boomer is my faithful late-night partner in crime, as I work on my literary adventures, of one sort or another. Though he may seem quiet and shy during the day, a brave and fearsome hero he is, by the light of the moon. If one looks closely at many of my tales, they may see the evidence of Boomer’s imagination coming to life on the page.

Oh my goodness, I’ve gone on a good bit! Hopefully, you’ve learned about what makes Boomer so special. If I let myself, I would go on and on! But alas, I cannot… that will come later.

Join me next Friday, to learn what I love about yet another of our Barnyard Babes. Who knows, maybe it’ll be Squagon, or possibly Lilly. I’m saving Tilly for last, as she’s requested that I do so.

For now, it’s time to head to the pond… I can already hear the sound of splashing!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Daily writing prompt
What is your career plan?

From where I am now, my career plans look far different from the ones I started with, so many years ago.

At the age of 5ish, sitting in front of an easy-bake-oven, I was sure that I would be a Chef…

My adolescent and teenage years offered no clue, as to what my future held…

Highschool hormones led me to believe that I was to be a model…

Early adulthood found me chasing after dreams of being an equestrian…

Then came motherhood and the survival of the fittest…

So much time has passed, leaving a myriad of memories…

Looking ahead now, at the age of 55, I have future plans and goals, but a career plan?

Currently, I already have a degree, my husband and I share 6 children and 6 grandbabies, and I rode horseback so much that I destroyed my back and knees!

As far as a future career, I suppose being a writer suits me the best, don’t you?

Here, have a cookie…

Thursday Thoughts…

I feel rather unusual this week, a bit distracted from much of what I normally do. As we await word , regarding the application we submitted on our apartment, I’ve tried to occupy my mind with finishing my book. I ended up just diving into that project, and I finished it on Tuesday.

Now that the first book is zipped up, I can get back to my Fantasy/Fiction novel project. I left it sitting on the sidelines for the last few months, as I completed something I feel God called me to do. Numerous times, I felt like setting my memoirs aside, to chase after a literary passion that continues to call to me in dreams. I stayed the course though, feeling confident that the dream would not fade for me… and it has not! Now, I’m one done, and off to follow a dragon!

Fortunately, as far as waiting for an approval or denial of our application, I’ve not been plagued by anxiety or sleepless nights, the way I have been in the past. Perhaps it’s due to the knowledge that there will be challenges and obstacles to overcome, regardless of the outcome of this one decision. When you exist in survival mode for extended periods of time, the brain goes numb, in a way! One day brings plumbing problems, while another day brings challenges ranging anywhere from fuel for the car, to waiting for the food stamp card to reload. Timing is everything!

I will say that for me, reading the bible each day, even if only for a few moments, has been a huge game changer! All I know is, reading scripture brings me comfort and reassurance, no matter the situation… it just does. I do not wish to camp on worry and doubts, when I’m forever being reminded of God’s providence, in all things. Too bad this wasn’t my go-to, all those panic attack’s earlier!

Nowadays, I’m learning a deeper understanding of our journey, regarding how spiritual growth occurs in ones life. It never happens by accident! I love the way the bible uses a baby to explain the growth of a believer, as far as going from milk to solid food; a baby has to be taught how to switch from one to the other. Timing is everything!

Just like a baby, faith has to be grown, similar to tending a garden! Both examples need time, care, and practice; no one gets things perfectly the first time out the gate! Babies don’t wean off milk over time, nor does a seed sprout up and bear fruit in just one day. Mistakes, bad choices, circumstances all accompany both a baby and a seed, as they grow toward the son/sun!

It may have taken me 55 years to figure it out, but I think maybe I’m learning…

A Tale of Two City Squirrels…

Daily writing prompt
What was the last live performance you saw?

It was quite recently that I watched this live performance. It was performed by, none other than, the cheeky little Squirrels in my local park!

Instead of applauding, I simply threw them peanuts. Unfortunately, as soon as I did so, the performance ended abruptly and it turned into a WWF match. They completely forgot their stage rolls, ending the whole thing with a Cirque de Soleil version of tag team wrestling!

I gave it a 5 star rating!!!

Here, have some popcorn to throw at the stage…