Ode to My Chica…

Til the wheels fall off…

Daily writing prompt
Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

We met each other while attending college, nearly 12 years ago, and we’ve been friends ever since! I remember standing outside a classroom, as we waited for the teacher to arrive and unlock the door, and she was standing next to me against the wall. The first thing I did was stop her and give a disclaimer about myself… I wanted her to be warned of my frigid nature!

Well, she seemed to take it as a challenge, rather than a deterrent! It wasn’t long before we were choosing classes together and carpooling to campus, as we lived not too far away from one another at that time.

We shared classes, snacks, coffee and a good bit of shenanigans! We just knew we fit together like peas and carrots, as Forrest Gump would say! I even rescued her from being used as a stripper pole by a strange woman under the influence of some drug or another… I’m being fully serious! We’d shared an evening class at that time, so it was late and dark when we stopped off at the restroom near our classroom, before heading home for the night. I’d heard the door open and someone enter while I was using the facility, but it wasn’t until I went to wash my hands that I saw who it was. There before me, bravely trying to wash her hands was my Chica, with some strange woman trying to dance to the rhythm of a distant drum, up against her side. Forgive me for not washing my hands, but I just grabbed my Chica by her arm and we bolted out of the bathroom, laughing uncontrollably, as we ran for the car.

We have gone through a great deal of adventures, one of which involved a stay at some nearby hot springs, where we made some hilarious memories. I cannot imagine doing any adventures that she isn’t involved in somehow… and I cannot imagine going through anything difficult without her support either!

My Chica held me together, through some of the most difficult and painful parts of my journey. Many times, it was she that gave me hard truths I needed to hear, in order that I get up and keep going. Never would she let me wallow for long, in the midst of my miserable circumstances.

She has cheered me on, been there for me when I felt abandoned and alone, and faithfully stood beside me through hell or high water! Talk is cheap, but unconditional love is priceless and the woman has lavished it upon me for all our years together! When I saw the prompt question, she was the first person that came to mind, outside of God and my husband.

My Chica has to be one of the most genuine human beings I’ve ever encountered, and I thank God for her every day!

Well, I’m off to enjoy a glorious sunny day with my Chica, as we cruise around in her Classic Ford Thunderbird, for a Mother’s day treat to ourselves… hehe!

Here, before you go, take a cookie…

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