Talk about the GOD…

Daily writing prompt
What fears have you overcome and how?

Yup! I am just going to fling it out there! I used to fear being laughed at, judged, turned away from, and the like, if I had the balls to stand up for Jesus!

How did I overcome it, you ask? I got brave…

How did I get brave? I got serious about speaking the truth…

How did I get serious? I burned out…

I burned out in the church, I burned out as a mother, I burned out being a plaything to others…

Then I quit! I told God to screw off!

I ran into the wilderness, where no one knew His name so I need not speak of Him…

I found myself in a place where the only name that would come to my lips was His…

The enemy knew His name, just as I did…

When I shouted out of my God, the earth shook and the enemy fled…

I am a terrible judge of character in people and it has cost me almost all of ME…

I speak the name of God everywhere I go, because if you stay, then I feel safe in His name, His presence…

If I speak of God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit, you should only feel good after our encounter…

If not, then go…

I will still speak of Him for you…

I will stand in the gap…

for HIM!

2 thoughts on “Talk about the GOD…

  1. Ugh… I still bristle at being told how I “should” feel… regardless of the facts or situation. But I’m glad you’re able to speak of God without fear. 😊

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